Tharabar Gate

The door is in the east wall.

It is the only remaining piece of the wall which was built around the city about 840 AD. It was built when King Pyinbya was on power. Most of the other part of the wall were washed away by the monsoon flood. Originally the people moved in and out via twelve gates, what does the name mean? The Pali word for it is "Sarabhanga" means "protection against arrows". 

As everywhere in the country some Nats are around on guard.


Tharabar Gate same nats and novices

At the left is the "Lord of the Great Mountain" Nat is waiting and at right his sister "Golden face". If you ever come for holiday in Bagan have a look maybe you take accommodation in the Tharabar Gate Hotel which is one of the best in the city with some great woodcarving art around, try it you wont regret.

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